What games are included?

Our Weve Game Show is filled with a fun mash up of activities and challenges.

No need to select games - they are ready to go! All of our game rooms are a fun-filled mash-up of several different types of missions, including pub-style trivia, buzz-in game show rounds, drawing missions like pictionary, fun fact matches, and more! You can see all of the mission types we utilize here. 🎳

How many games do I need to pick?  No need to select which games to play - we do the heavy lifting and have the game templates ready to go.🏋️ Games and events overall are determined by time duration, not a specific number of questions or missions. As such, all of our events consist of more content than will be utilized in a given event. This is desirable, as your professional host(s) are able to "read the room" and skip around to ensure optimal engagement for participants. The information you provide on your Dashboard does help us learn more about your group! All this to say, we do not specifically list what exactly will be in an event nor do we guarantee specific mission inclusions, because this doesn't set appropriate expectations.

How can I customize the games?  Depending on your booking, you may be able to specify and/or customize game content for your event(s). *This is reserved for our Pro & Premium Events. Please connect with your Event Producer and they can assist you with what is customizable.

I have a Pro/Premium Package, how do I include custom Trivia?  You can add this directly in your Dashboard. See the other FAQ page here!