Does my event include Tech Support?

We have troubleshooting steps, test links, and support for your event!

For a Standard or Pro Event, the instructions offered with your Invite Link will offer the best tech support and troubleshooting steps if needed. We recommend your attendees go to the Event Link sooner than later to test the log-in steps and troubleshoot ahead of time if needed. Check out our helpful FAQ page to find where your Event Link & login in instructions are located - just click here!
For our Premium Events, although we still highly recommend the above, you get to utilize our day-of live tech support for all of your attendees. This will be live as soon as your attendees are logging in! (Hopefully, this saves you from getting Slack messages and emails from your colleagues - whew!😅). Our live tech support chat will be accessible on the login page and in the event lobby.
Login Page tech support chat

Lobby page tech support chat